
Photos - page 1
Photos - page 2

Sue Pinnuck's Menagerie




Rainbow Bridge



------ Chimo Spin Your Wheel - Alaskan Malamute ------
(DOB 24 November 2016)

T'akaya joined the menagerie in January 2017.

T'akaya (also known as TicTac) was bred by Tonya Syme (Chimo kennels) and arrived by plane from Victoria.  She is just the cutest, most delightful pup.

She has fitted right into our family and has even come to terms with having a 'mini-malamute' (a cat called Nemo) around.

T'akaya has been doing obedience training and we will continue that for the rest of her life eithr at home or at the club.

Loki loves playing with T'akaya - and having her around has really helped him to rediscover his puppy-hood.

Just met my new HuDad. I think I love my new HuDad!
Settled in fine - and have no modesty whatsoever

Getting along with my new big brother Loki
(he's also my blood uncle - how cool is that?) 

Helping HuDad tie his shoelaecs 
Snuggling with HuDad

Think I grew a bit!